When I was little, being a theater actress was one of my dreams. How fantastic it is to live with different faces in such a short life- I was totally fascinated by this idea.
Of course, as the years go passing by, I didn’t have my actress dream come true. Despite of that, I realize that playing different characters remains essential in my daily life, and what I dress becomes my costume. Back to my corporate days for example. Even though I’d always improvised my outfit of the day, I did noticed that unconsciously there developed a pattern. Monday and Tuesday were always something black. I would wear along with my sharpest jewelry and most sober makeup to cope with those tedious reports and business meetings. Starting from Wednesday, a bit more colours sneaked in- they could be a brighter scarf, jewelry with fun design, or a slouchy color-blocking outfit. They were more like my celebration to survive from those business routines and a welcome to the weekend!
One of my outfits to show strong personal statement. My weapon: red lips, chunky jewelries, clean silhouette with stiff fabric.

How I style myself is a reflection to my state-of-mind. Through this practice, I also understand how powerful colours and fabrics are to deliver messages. For example, red lipsticks, thick eyeliners and chunky jewelries in muted color along with a stiff outfit secure me by creating a space from the outer world. While feeling relaxed and like being more open up, I would put on softer or brighter colours, fluid silhouette and probably with loose pony tail.
In a relaxing mood: everything is soft, light and bright, rounder.

So that’s it- without having to be a Broadway star, I can still be the same versatile everyday- with just a good strategy and experimental attitude, without too many cost!
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